UMKC Catalog


Master of Music in Musicology Required Courses
  CONSVTY 5500A Applied Music
    (or three terms in the same performing
    medium at any level)(a)                       2
  CONSVTY 5500-5600 Music History (four 
    courses, two periods and two of choice)      12
  CONSVTY 5500-5600 Music Theory             3
  CONSVTY 5591K Pedagogy of Music History         3
  CONSVTY 5593 Introduction to Research and 
    Bibliography in Music                         3
  CONSVTY 5693 Advanced
    Research and Bibliography in Music            3
  CONSVTY 5598 Research Problems                  2
  CONSVTY 5599 Thesis                             6
  Electives                                     1-3
Total hours (minimum)35

(a) Elective credit may be substituted if CONSVTY 5500A (Applied Music) is achieved at the audition.

Language Requirements: For all M.M. students in Musicology, a grade of B- (2.7) or better in a first-semester, sophomore-level foreign language course. Students must study French, German or Italian unless the substitution of another language is approved by the supervisory committee. A language proficiency test may be substituted for course requirements, provided it documents language capabilities equivalent to the completion of a first-semester, sophomore-level course. This must be approved in advance by the supervisory committee. In such cases, a letter describing the process and results must be forwarded to the chair of the supervisory committee, the musicology area coordinator and the Conservatory Associate Dean for Academic Studies.

Supervisory Committee: The Supervisory Committee, which consists of at least two musicology faculty plus one other member, is assigned to approve the planned program and prepare and grade the comprehensive examination. The committee must be selected before the student completes two terms of enrollment.

Graduate Approval of Major: Complete CONSVTY 5593 (Introduction to Research and Bibliography in Music) with a grade of A; complete one graduate-level music theory course and one graduate-level music history course with a grade of A in each course; and present a scholarly paper before a public forum on a topic agreed to in advance by the musicology faculty (the duration of the presentation is to be at least 20 minutes).
