UMKC Catalog


Guidelines on Discrimination on the Basis of Religion or National Origin
Members of various religious and ethnic groups, primarily but not exclusively of Eastern, Middle and southern European ancestry, such as Muslim, Jewish, Catholic, Italian, Greek and Slavic groups, continue to be excluded from executive, middle management and other job levels because of discrimination based on their religion or national origin. Under the Equal Opportunity Clause contained in section 202 of Executive Order 11246 as amended, the University of Missouri-Kansas City does not discriminate against employees or applicants for employment because of religion or national origin, and employees are treated during employment without regard to their religion or national origin. To ensure this, the University of Missouri-Kansas City has taken the following steps:
  1. The University's Office of Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action and external communications media have made known that equal employment opportunity without regard to religion or national origin is the policy of the University. All employees of the University must be committed to equal employment for all persons without regard to religion or national origin.
  2. In all of its recruitment sources, the University of Missouri-Kansas City expresses that it is committed to equal employment opportunity without regard to religion or national origin.
  3. Through local and national publications, as well as through its Web site job listings at and, the University informs the public, including community, religious and ethnic groups, of employment opportunities available at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.
  4. The University of Missouri-Kansas City accommodates the religious observance and practices of all employees when reasonably possible.
  5. The University has taken the above steps to eliminate discrimination based on religion or national origin. Employees who believe they have been discriminated against on the basis of religion or national origin may use the University's internal grievance procedures.