Last Modified, Mon Mar 24 17:51:05 1997



March 4, 1997

(Approved 3/18/97)

3:00 PM Jean Braun called the meeting to order.

3:05 Minutes of March 4, 1997 were approved with corrections.

Committee Reports

1. IFC: Dr. Hans Uffelmann reported on several topics discussed at IFC.

A. Presidential succession: The IFC Chair reported on who is serving on the Presidential Succession committee. The candidate pool has been pared down to three candidates from which the committee will makes its selection. The March deadline for choosing a new president is still in effect.
B. Post-tenure review: The process of post-tenure review has gone through a tremendous amount of change and there is wide variation in the process on each campus. The IFC stressed that post-tenure reviews should be used in a positive manner. This process should also be extended to administrative positions as well (most of which are tenured), otherwise, treatment is not equitable for faculty. A resolution was presented by UMSL concerning academic integrity. It has a center whose main focus is in the area of forensic law and medicine. The concern is over how much influence the schools have on programs. Quality control of programs should reside in the academic school rather than in the center.
C. Health care: United Health Care was chosen in part because it has the best record in the industry. It was noted, however, that there was a 10% error rate on the information issued on ID cards. The IFC wants to collect individual cases and keep unsatisfactory instances in front of the Board of Curators.
D. Status of Campus Computing: Dr. Ralph Curaso is in charge of computer systems university-wide. He noted that the biggest problem remains the lack of personnel to support computers and integrate systems. There are no guidelines from the Board of Curators on this subject. The university system has three million dollars of rate money targeted for technology support staff. The deans are running out of money to keep up with replacement hardware and have issued a plea to get additional system support. Student fees are restricted and won’t be able to resolve the situation. Dr. Caruso is willing to visit each campus and access computer support and staffing needs Each campus needs to identify contacts in addition to IFC representatives that can meet with Dr. Caruso. A formal procedure should be created. There are major problems with e-mail and a university-wide e-mail committee is addressing this issue. As an example to help understand the breadth of the problem UMC handles 1.3 million e-mail messages daily on several delivery systems. Kansas City is indicative of the problem because our campus was two years behind other campuses in getting cabled to the university backbone. Kansas City is the only UM campus that services its computer system on Monday mornings. The other campuses do this maintenance in the evening. What is needed is a more unified system university-wide.
Dr. Jean Braun stated that the resources needed for faculty members are being ignored at the administrative level. This a fundamental error in the whole system. We use outside consultants to evaluate our needs instead of using the talent and expertise that resides in our faculty. Rich Hamilton commented that a good way to build bridges between the faculty and administration is to open up the channels of communications by tapping into the expertise on this campus.

2. Administrative Affairs: Nancy Stancel reported on the evaluations for the Dean of Biological Sciences (and the Dean of Nursing-omitted in this report). The Dean of Arts and Sciences evaluation process is still being coordinated and a place where faculty members can review the Dean’s portfolio has not yet been selected. There was confusion on the part of the Dean of Arts and Sciences that the letter stating his review was due, had not been sent to him. Barbara Glesner-Fines has asked Dr. Mendoza to re-issue the letter to the dean. Once that is done, evaluation forms can be sent out.

3. Definitions of Committees: A discussion of filling committee slots ended with agreement that the Senate needs definitions and mission statements for committees on which they are asked to accept appointments. Jean stated that this information can be made available to the Senate.

Miscellaneous discussions:

1. Student Creed: This topic was discussed during a General Officers retreat. Jean Braun distributed a copy of UMR’s brochure on student rights and a copy of the Carolinian Creed. The Senate felt that discussion on this topic would be more appropriate for Student Affairs and the Student Government Association. The motion was made and seconded to move the issue off the table (22 ayes, no nays, no abstentions).

2. Alma Mater: Dr. Bill Fredrickson brought this issue forward. He asked that the Senate consider adopting, as verses one and three, the new verses written by Dr. Charles Robinson of the Conservatory. In addition it was recommended that verse one be the verse printed on the commencement program. It was felt that the text of the new verses is much more meaningful than the generic verse originally written. It was moved and seconded to accept these changes (22 ayes, no nays, no abstentions).

3. Chancellor’s Memorandum No.77: The January 1995 version (not the December 1995) is the newest revision and is the official copy. The Senate still has not procured the newest version but will do so and distribute it to the Senate. Discussion will be delayed until the Senate has the latest version.

4. Missouri house bill HB493: Janet McKinney reported that it has gone out of committee. This bill has been combined with the Senate bill 322. This version names one rotating faculty member (non-voting) to serve on the Board of Curators.

5. The dean selection process was discussed. Several faculty members mentioned that the process is inadequate in keeping faculty members apprised of what is happening in the search. There are no guidelines for this procedure indicating what is the faculty’s role in this process and little feedback is given. The issue will be investigated by the Senate’s Administrative Issues committee. One suggestion was that the Chancellor appoint a three person advisory board that can deal with the process from beginning to end.

Discussion with the Chancellor

1. The Chancellor brought with her a news release just issued this afternoon. The Board of Curators announced two finalists in the university presidential search. The two candidates are Manuel Pacheco, (President of the University of Arizona) and Donald Lindbergh (Director of the National Library of Medicine).

2. The Administrative Systems Project: Project Review with General Officers report was distributed. This committee is reviewing People Soft’s ability to provide an integrated software for admonitions, registrar, and payroll systems. The charge of the committee is ... “to develop a plan to streamline and make more efficient and user friendly the core business and service processes historically included in the finance, human resource and student systems of the University of Missouri.” Dr. James McGill Jim had questions in regards to “phantom software” that is just now being developed.

3. Update on CBHE mission enhancement: This developed after Proposition B failed as a means to fund the university. We do not yet know how much money will be delegated to the university system but there is a traditional formula 20%. The Chancellor distributed a letter written by Dr. Kala Stroup (Commissioner of the CBHE). At the last General Officers meeting a draft for discussions (with a time table) was passed out. The Chancellor has to submit changes to mission statements, areas of enhancements and budget requests by April 1. Final proposals will be submitted to CBHE on October 9, 1997. She will keep us updated on the process.

4. Faculty Curator bills; HB39/SB322, HB493: The appointment of a faculty member to the Board of Curators has the potential of creating a partnership between faculty members and the Board. She understands the Senate’s apprehension that this formal appointment could weaken the role of the IFC. On the other hand, faculty rarely have the opportunity to directly address the Board of Curators. This presents a new opportunity for faculty members. Hopefully, the IFC would act in concert with the faculty board appointed person.

5. Report on Roundtable discussion with SGA: The students asked pertinent questions and discussion was open and frank. On the issue of housing, the Chancellor explained that Twin Oaks is being sold. UMKC is conducting a study to determine the feasibility of purchasing it. The building is undergoing an appraisal. Students asked why different required classes are offered at the same time. The Chancellor responded that the scheduling of classes is determined by the academic units. The deans need to be made aware of scheduling problems. Senators mentioned that part of the problem is the time of day students are willing or able to attend classes. Classes beginning after 2:00PM are not popular. Graduate classes are often scheduled at night or the week-end because the majority of students attending work full-time jobs. There is little coordination between departments and schools in the scheduling process. The Chancellor is very much aware that parking remains a difficult problem on campus. It is high on the list of priorities to address. A committee has been studying the parking problem and has given the Chancellor a report on this issue.

6. Senators were amazed that the UM system Research Board returns proposals that have too many characters per inch, not taking into consideration variable spaced font. Dr. Marvin Querry suggested that the Senate invite Boyd Odell to address the application of rules on the submission of Research Board proposals.

5:15P.M. Adjournment

Present: Greg Arling, Jean Braun, Jane Carl, Les Chafetz, Julie Cheslik, Robert Cleary, Alfred Esser, William Fredrickson, Barbara Glesner-Fines, Rich Hamilton, David Harris, Joseph Hughey, Janet McKinney, Ed Mills, Jerry Place, Dennis Pyszczynski, John Rapley, David Schwarzer, Nancy Stancel, Hans Uffelmann, Jakob Waterborg, David Yourtee

Excused: Valerie Blanco, Kathy Loncar, James McKinley, Jan Russell, Steve Krantz

Absent: Rafael Espejo-Saavedra, Gary Pettett, Khosrow Sohraby

Respectfully Submitted,

Nancy D. Stancel

Secretary, Faculty Senate

© UMKC Faculty Senate,