Last Modified, Fri May 16 15:51:52 1997



May 6, 1997

12:00 P.M. Jean Braun called the luncheon meeting to order.

12:05 Minutes of April 15, 1997 were approved as written.

Luncheon Meeting:

Announcements: Jean Braun: This is the last Senate meeting prior to the summer break. Regular Senate meetings will begin again on September 2, 1997. Jean encouraged Senators to consider running for a Senate office next year. The current officers are willing to meet with faculty members interested in running for office, in order to explain job responsibilities.

Discussion with Chancellor Schwartz: Dr. Schwartz thanked faculty members for their willingness to serve as Senate representatives and she emphasized the importance of the Senate’s advisory role to herself and the Vice Chancellors.

Adjourned 2:00 P.M.

Present: Valerie Blanco, Jean Braun, Jane Carl, Les Chafetz, Robert Cleary, Ray Coveney, William Frederickson, Barbara Glesner-Fines, Rich Hamilton, David Harris, Joseph Hughey, Kathy Loncar, Janet McKinney, Ed Mills, Jerry Place, Dennis Pyszcynski, David Schwarzer, Nancy Stancel, Hans Uffelmann, Jakob Waterborg, David Yourtee

Excused: Greg Arling , Julie Cheslik, Rafael Espejo-Saavedra, Alfred Esser, Steve Krantz, James McKinley, Gary Pettett, John Rapley, Jan Russell, Khosrow Sohraby

Respectfully Submitted,

Nancy D. Stancel
Secretary, Faculty Senate

© UMKC Faculty Senate,