Last Modified, Fri Nov 21 17:39:53 1997



October 21, 1997 (Approved 11/18/97)

3:00 PM The meeting was called to order by Chair, Kathy Loncar

Minutes Minutes of October 7, 1997 were approved with minor corrections.


*President Manuel Pacheco has approved the second honorary degree to be awarded at the Mid-Year Commencement in December.

*The Faculty Senate will represented by Nancy Stancel on the search committee for the position of Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs.

*Eight faculty members agreed to be nominated for possible selection on one of the four subcommittees of the NCAA self study which will begin in December.

*The annual United Way Campaign starts tomorrow, October 22, 1997. the chairs of the Staff Assembly and the Faculty Senate are co-chairs of the campaign. We are hoping to increase our level of participation this year. The unit with the highest level of participation in the 1997 campaign will receive a “thank you” reception and a plaque. Senators were encouraged to remind colleagues that they can direct their dollars to charities and agencies of their choice.

*The plan to implement a system-wide e-mail delivery software had been apparently been put on hold. It was understood that the software had been chosen and an implementation schedule developed.

Old Business

*New Senators - The Chair reminded the Senate that we need to have senators seated from the School Pharmacy and the School of Law. The Senate agreed unanimously that the Chair should invite The Coordinated Engineering Program to seat two senators beginning in Winter Semester 1998.

*Attendance at Senate meetings - The Chair reminded senators that attendance at senate meetings is important. The administration is making a significant effort to include faculty representatives from the senate in campus wide planning and decision-making. We need active senators willing to help with the representation of the full faculty, so attendance at senate meetings is increasingly important. The chair reminded senators to call if they are not able to attend.

*Standing Committees - The Senate’s standing committees will be chaired this year by the following:
Ed Mills - Academic Issues Committee
Valerie Blanco - Faculty Welfare Committee
Alfred Esser - Administrative Issues Committee

Senators were encouraged to serve on one of these committees and chairs were reminded that any faculty member is welcome to serve on a committee not just senators. Each of the committees was given a folder with the documents relevant to the issues needing to be addressed by each committee.

*Ad Hoc Committees - The Senate will need to form two ad hoc committees this year. One committee needs to consider issues related to the uses of technology on campus and to interact with and respond to the work of the Information Technology Executive Council (ITEC) which is currently developing a master plan for technology for UMKC. The second committee will serve as a focus group in the North Central Accreditation self study which will be continuing for the next two years. Any faculty member interested in serving on either of these committees should call the Senate Office at 235-1027 to volunteer. The chair will welcome any willing participants.

*ITEC Update - The master planning process is still in the SWOT analysis stage in which strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities are being assessed for all components, processes, and employee groups involved. In the discussion, senators expressed a need for caution in selecting software to be supported campus-wide and in the decisions about upgrading of hardware and software.

*North Central Accreditation - Joan Gallos, the coordinator of the NCA self study will be invited to visit with the Senate in an up-coming meeting to provide an overview of the self study process. The senators were given a draft of the plan of the self study.

*Health Care Coverage - Senators expressed concern that employees on our campus may not get information about the health care changes for 1998 in a timely fashion. The chair will invite Mike Paden from the Systems Benefits Office to come to the next senate meeting to provide the rationale for whatever changes have been made. that we have not been involved in the decision making process on health care issues.

*Thank You to Jean Braun - The chair read and circulated a letter for signatures from the entire Senate to Jean Braun, who served ably and successfully as chair of the Senate from May 1994 to May of 1997. The letter included the text of the resolution of commendation read into the minutes of the Senate’s previous meeting.

*Evaluation of Deans and Directors - The Senate considered the process of evaluating three deans and/or directors each year. It is important to know how valuable the evaluation conducted by the Senate is to the administration and to the dean or director being evaluated. It is also time to review the form used and the process of collecting and distributing the information. The Executive Dean, Marvin Querry will be asked at the next meeting with administration to discuss these issues with the Senate.

New Business

*RFP’s for a UMKC Travel Management Services - An RFP will soon be circulated to interested agencies to provide the services of a travel agency on campus. Two Senators had done a review of the RFP and expressed some concerns about the document and the plans to “outsource” this process. The most pressing concern was about the value of an on campus travel agency to faculty. The quality of travel arrangements for faculty, guest speakers, and others using the service was questioned. The Senate was given a handout prepared by Jerry Hornig for presentation to the deans and directors explaining the rationale for the RFP. The Senate will monitor this process carefully.

*Late Textbook Orders - The Chair shared with the Senate that a concern about the number of late textbook orders has been expressed by the administration recently. The Chair had been provided with a collection of 345 “late” orders from faculty for Fall Semester 1997. An analysis of these “late” orders indicated a need to meet with the bookstore to develop some mutual understanding of the processes and factors involved in getting texts selected and on the shelves at the beginning of each semester. The Chair will arrange a meeting with the bookstore personnel involved and faculty representatives. The Chair expressed disappointment in the response of the administration to this problem. There was more concern about fixing the blame on the faculty than in working together to fix the problem.

*Intercampus Collaboration Program - There is a program approved recently by the IFC to encourage intercampus collaboration among faculty members. There are three categories of eligible activities: intercampus faculty retreats, intercampus colloquia, and faculty exchanges. The Vice President for Academic Affairs has a $50,000 set aside to fund proposals for this academic year. Interested faculty should address inquiries to the Academic Affairs Office.

*Educational Assistance Effort by Staff Assembly - The Senate Chair met with two representatives of the Staff Assembly regarding the possibility of bringing the issue of expanded educational assistance for system employees to the new president. IT was decided that President Pacheco should be presented this request late next summer or early fall since he is new and is busy establishing his administration. This academic year will be spent gathering data about similar programs in comparable universities. The UMKC Staff Assembly will work with the staff assemblies on the other campuses and have asked if the Faculty Senate would help with the drafting of the proposal when it is time to prepare it.

Adjourned 5:00PM

Attendance - Not available

Respectfully Submitted,

Nancy D. Stancel

Secretary, Faculty Senate

© UMKC Faculty Senate,