Last Modified, Tue Feb 3 12:46:04 1998



January 13, 1998 (Approved 1/27/98)

3:00 The meeting was called to order by PM Kathy Loncar called the meeting to order by the Chair, Kathy Loncar.

3:05 Minutes of December 2, 1997 were approved with minor corrections.


1. Chancellor Schwartz was unable to attend today’s meeting because she is attending the NCAA conference in Atlanta.

2. At the next meeting there will be a brief presentation by Carol Tally Davis regarding the Women’s Council Graduate Assistance Fund, and a presentation by Becky Cotton Zahnerof the architectural firm of Mackey, Mitchell and Zahner who are helping with the UMKC Campus Master Plan.

3. The University System Benefits Committee will be meeting in Columbia on February 3, 1998. Anyone with discussion items for that meeting should contact one of our two representatives on that committeeRobert Willson (A&S English Department) or Robert Downs (School of Law).

Old Business

The dossier for an honorary degree candidate was distributed and discussed by the Senate. The Senate voted unanimously to forward this candidate to the Chancellor for approval and recommendation to President Pacheco.

New Business

The Senate has been asked for a nominee to serve on the search committee for the new Vice President for Academic Affairs for the UM system. Senator Tony Manzo (School of Education) agreed to be the Senate nominee. His name will be forwarded to the Chancellor.

The Senate Chair has been asked to submit names of volunteers to serve on two of the UMKC-NCA Reaccreditation Self-Study Plan focus groups. The following senators volunteered to serve on the Faculty Senate Group: Charles Cobb, Bill Fredrickson, Kathy Loncar, Janet McKinney and Bob Willson. The following senators volunteered to serve on the Assessment Group: Barbara Glesner Fines, Steve Krantz, Sheryl McMillan Nelson, Jakob Waterborg, Nancy Weatherholt.

Vice Chancellor Bill French
joined the Senate for a discussion of the recent article in the Kansas City Star regarding the NCAA Division 1 program and explained how the program’s deficit is handled by the university. The Senate considered the value of the Division 1 status to the undergraduate programs at UMKC and other issues and agreed that continued discussions are needed with the Chancellor and others.

The Intercampus Faculty Council (IFC) meets this Thursday and will begin discussions regarding revisions of the grievance procedures for the UM system. One issue that is of concern to our campus is the language that is currently in the grievance procedures which stipulates that only regular (tenure track) faculty may serve on the grievance panel. This poses a problem for UMKC because we have librarians and clinical faculty who use the grievance process and serve on the grievance panel. Many faculty members strongly expressed that representation on grievance committees concerning regular faculty consist of regular faculty whose duties include greater than 50% administrative duties. There was a minority opinion to substitute the word "regular" for full-time faculty". The IFC representatives Hans Uffelmann (A&S) and Steve Krantz (Nursing) and the Chair will share this and other concerns from our campus as the discussions progress this semester in the Council meetings.

5:00 P.M. Adjourned

Present: Greg Arling, Valerie Blanco, Charles Cobb, Ray Coveney, Ann Dykas, Rafael Espejo-Saavedra, William Fredrickson, Barbara Glesner Fines, Robert Groene, Ashok Gumbhir, Steve Krantz, Kathy Loncar, Janet McKinney, Tony Manzo, Tim Richards, Nancy Stancel, Don Thibeault, Jakob Waterborg, Nancy Weatherholt, Robert Willson.

Excused: Robert Downs, Alfred Esser, Ed Mills, Dennis Pysycsynski, Jan Russell, Hans Uffelmann, Jerry Place.


Joseph Hughey, Khosrow Sohraby, David Yourtee.

Respectfully Submitted,

Nancy D. Stancel

Secretary, UMKC Faculty Senate

© UMKC Faculty Senate,