Last Modified, Wed Mar 11 15:38:14 1998



February 3, 1998 (Approved 3/10/98)

3:00pm The meeting was called to order by the Chair, Kathy Loncar.

The minutes of January 27, 1998 were approved with minor corrections.

Dr. Corrine Cooper, a member of the Law School faculty, provided the Senate with the history of UMKC's participation in NCAA Division I athletics.

Discussion with the Chancellor

The Senate discussed with the Chancellor the current concerns about UMKC’s participation in NCAA Division 1. The discussion centered on the following questions from the senators and responses from the Chancellor.

Ques. -Is UMKC comparable to the schools who are our competitors?

Ans.- That depends on which group you are considering.

If you look at the Urban 13 schools, all but four are in Division I and one
of those is seeking admission to Division 1. UMSL is one of the three
schools in the Urban 13 not in Division 1 and is not currently attempting
to join. Other universities in the mid-west which are also in Division 1
are Kansas State, University of Kansas, Missouri University, Southeast
Missouri State, and Southwest Missouri State.

Ques.- What is the university's mission and how do we

envision changing or expanding that mission? Attaining Research II
status has been chosen as a goal for this university and that requires
scarce resources. How do we balance our need for research resources
with the need for resources for other programs like the Division 1 athletic

Ans.- UMKC is an excellent school with a high quality

faculty and many strong academic programs. The image of UMKC in the
community and the region has improved greatly over the last few years,
and we have moved up to third tier status in national rankings but UMKC
is still not as well known as it should be. Division 1 athletics helps
perhaps more than any other factor to get UMKC's name known
regionally and nationally. That is very important. To get that level of
recognition through other forms of advertising would take far more
money than is spent to support the athletic program.

The challenge we face is to build the athletic program such that it is as nearly self-supporting as possible, so that only a minimum amount of money needs to be taken from year-end cost savings to cover the program's expenses. Contributions from donors for scholarships and other types of funding are growing. We can also help with increased ticket sales and more successful efforts from the Athletic Foundation. During the next five years we need to do the following:

1) set goals and bench-marks for funding so we can measure our progress,
2) include in our strategic planning a restructuring of the athletic program to
make it as cost efficient as possible.
3) improve our marketing efforts to increase ticket sales.

Ques.- Does the athletic program go through a COPE


Ans.- No, but it is required to have a periodic NCAA

accreditation review which includes a self-study. This academic year and
the next year our NCAA program is in the process of accreditation
review. This year the self-study teams are at work.

Ques.- What do you get if you're accredited by NCAA?

Ans. - You are allowed to remain in the NCAA as a

member in good standing. A poor review would result in a program
being put on probation or removed from NCAA.

Ques.- The shortfall for the athletic program for last year

was reported to be $700,000. What percent is that of the overall campus
budget? This is a serious concern for faculty who are very conscious of
other funding needs such as computing needs, hiring of more faculty, and
graduate assistants. Since there have been articles in the Kansas City Star
recently it is hard for faculty to defend the expense of the athletic program.

Ans.- The amount spent last year to cover the shortfall for

the athletic program is less than one half of one percent of the overall
budget. However, I do understand that this is a great concern for faculty.
I believe that what we need to do is to share with the Senate much more
information about the budget and its distribution across units. I would
like the faculty to see that we try to put as much of the money as we can
into the units where the academic programs and research occur.

Budget projections must be made a year and a half in advance so it can be difficult to estimate what actual income and expenses will be for any program. At the end of a fiscal year, I try to use whatever cost savings are available for such needs as meeting ADA requirements, and other operational and support needs including athletics. I leave unused E & E monies in the units and I try to add rate money each year to support the Ph.D. programs and graduate assistants.

Ques.- Faculty have strong feelings about how money is spent and how much

goes to support areas in the university other than academics. Are there
ways we can raise more funding for athletics? Are there other ways to
save money such as right-sizing and restructuring the administration?
Many faculty do not object to NCAA Division 1 status but all faculty
want to see it as nearly self-supporting as possible.

Ans.One approach we will pursue is to get alumni, donors,

and the community more involved and committed to the athletic program
so they will want to help with the financing. I prefer not to put the athletic
program as a line item in the budget. I believe it is better to seek financial
support from these other sources.

As regards "right-sizing" the program, it is highly unlikely that
dropping to Division II status would save us all that much since we would
still have to meet the gender equity requirements of the conference and
maintain several teams. Returning to the NAIA would result in the loss
of recognition and a drop in public perception of UMKC that would be
very costly to us in the long run.

Ques.- Since we do not have a large undergraduate base, how can we support

Division 1 ? In addition, the campus is poorly lighted in places and this
continues to contribute to the perception that the campus is unsafe and
that impacts the undergraduate enrollment.

Ans.- Although we don't have a large enough

undergraduate base, and that has been noted by the community, we're
working on acquiring more housing and making other changes in the
campus that will allow us to be an attractive, residential campus for
undergraduates. We are currently working on a master plan to aid in our
growth as a residential, undergraduate campus.

Ques.- What are the ramifications of today's vote on the Kansas City Power and

Light Downtown District?

Ans.- There is no direct impact on UMKC that would

result from that vote. However, if it is approved it could offer
opportunities and advantages to the campus. It is possible that if the
district is a success at attracting more people downtown then there would
be more people coming to the vicinity of Municipal Auditorium and
perhaps to our basketball games.

Ques.- What was the original funding plan for the Division 1 program?

Ans.- The original plan was that the university would

contribute a set amount of money each year and the community would
provide the rest. This is similar to the arrangement we have with the
Missouri Repertory Theater. When the program began the students
voted on an activity fee to generate some funds and Chancellor Russell
matched those funds to make up the university's part of the money.
Three community members pledged to provide the rest of the money.
The community failed to generate the funds they agreed to provide. As a
result the university, had to take over the funding of the program and
created the Athletic Foundation to generate the funds that had been
expected from the community. This was the situation when I became
Chancellor. I have chosen to keep the Athletic Foundation in operation
and not put the athletic program in the regular campus budget.

I appreciate the faculty's interest in this and I think it might be good if the
faculty heard from the Intercollegiate Athletic Committee. This is a
Chancellor appointed committee with a large faculty representation. It
might even be a good idea if the Senate was represented on this committee.

The Senate decided that it would be a good idea to have a discussion with this committee. The Senate also considered that we should plan in the future to have in-depth budget reviews so that we can stay informed of budget issues like athletic program financing. The Senate will also be interested in seeing the report of the NCAA accreditation self-study and review.

5:00pm Adjournment

Present: Greg Arling, Charles Cobb, Ray Coveney, Robert Downs, Ann Dykas, Alfred Esser, Rafael Espejo-Saavedra, William Fredrickson, Barbara Glesner Fines. Robert Groene, Ashok Gumbir, Joseph Hughey, Steve Krantz, Kathryn Loncar, Anthony Manzo, Janet McKinney, Ed Mills, Jerry Place, Dennis Pyszczynski, Jan Russell, Nancy Stancel, Don Thibeault, Hans Uffelmann, Jakob Waterborg, Nancy Weatherholt, Robert Willson

Absent: Khosrow Sohraby, David Yourtee, Valerie Blanco

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy D. Stancel,

Secretary, UMKC Faculty Senate

© UMKC Faculty Senate,