UMKC Health Sciences Student Research Summit
Event Details
The 13th annual UMKC Health Sciences Student Research Summit (HSSRS) will be held at Union Station in the Chamber Board Room on Friday, April 4, 2025 from 1-4 p.m.
What is the Student Research Summit?
The UMKC Health Sciences Research Summit enables members of the UMKC health sciences community to display posters in a forum that:
- Highlights the health sciences research being conducted in the UMKC Schools of Science and Engineering, Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing and Health Studies, Pharmacy, etc.
- Fosters research collaborations across disciplines and schools that will produce economic, health, education and quality-of-life benefits for the greater Kansas City community.
Frequently Asked Questions
Posters should be printed 3’ x 4’ or in inches 36” x 48” but feel free to change it to fit your specific poster needs. Faculty judges will come to your poster. Please prepare a brief (no more than 15 minute) presentation about your poster. Submit a registration in REDCap including an absract. Please submit an abstract that describes the topic you would like to present at HSSRS 2025, summarizing your research. Abstracts are restricted to 250-500 words. March 14, 2025 There is no fee, but students must print their own posters. We will ask students to present a maximum of two posters and they must be in different categories (clinical research, basic research or case reports). Faculty will review abstracts and provide feedback if revisions are needed. Only poster presentations.
Still Have Questions?
Please contact Alison Troutwine.