NEH-Project Team

We are an interdisciplinary and international team composed of historians with ample experience in notary records, Spanish paleography experts, and big data and knowledge management engineers.


Viviana Grieco, Ph.D. Professor of History and Latin American and Latinx Studies, University of Missouri – Kansas City (UMKC).

Praveen Rao, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Health Management & Informatics/Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, University of Missouri-Columbia (MU).

Research Assistants:

Ms. Nouf Alrasheed, full-time graduate research assistant in the School of Computer Science and Engineering (UMKC).

Ms. Shraboni Sarker, full-time graduate research assistant in College of Engineering (MU).

Mr. Adam Cardenas Sisk, full-time graduate research assistant. Department of Spanish (UMKC).

Ms. Shraboni Sarker, full-time graduate research assistant in the College of Engineering (MU).

Mr. Hulayyi Alshammari, full-time graduate research assistant in the College of Engineering (MU).

Mr. Chandrasekhar Syamala, full-time graduate research assistant in the College of Engineering (MU).

Past Research Assistants:

Ms. Victoria Dominguez, undergraduate research assistant. Department of Spanish (UMKC).

Ms. Shivika Prasanna, full-time graduate research assistant in the College of Engineering (MU).

Ms. Pooja Purushatma, graduate research assistant in the College of Engineering (MU).

Mr. Parshad Suthar, graduate research assistant in College of Engineering (MU).

Ms. Nouf Alrasheed, full-time graduate research assistant in the School of Computer Science and Engineering (UMKC).

Mr. Adam Cardenas Sisk, full-time graduate research assistant. Department of Spanish (UMKC).


Ms. Belén Callegarich, M.A. Director, Division of Written Documents, Archivo General de la Nación Argentina.

David Freeman, Ph.D. Associate Professor of History (UMKC).

Mr. Ryan Rowland. Spanish Language Consultant.

Martin Wasserman, Ph.D. Associate Professor of History. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina and researcher at the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina (UBA – CONICET).


Prof. Grieco is a native Spanish speaker who specializes in colonial Latin American history. She has received extensive training in paleography and diplomatics in Argentina and in Spain and, for the last two decades, has conducted research in Spanish and Spanish American archives.

Prof. Rao is an expert in the areas of big data and knowledge management and machine learning/deep learning. He brings forth the required technical expertise to develop new techniques for knowledge graph construction and the software tool using open-source technologies.

Dr. Freeman and Dr. Wasserman have extensively worked with the seventeenth century notary records housed at the Archivo General de Nación in Argentina and contribute to this project with their archival and paleographic expertise.

Ms. Belén Callegarich holds degrees in history and archival sciences. At the National Archives, she is in charge of identifying, classifying, and describing documentation produced during the colonial period. She brings to this project her understanding of the processes involved in the production of colonial documents as well as her archival and paleographic expertise.

Ms. Nouf Alrasheed is doctoral student in UMKC’s School of Computer Science and Engineering and has the technical skills and programming knowledge to complete the tasks of this project.

Ms. Shraboni Sarker and Ms. Shivika Prasanna are doctoral students in MU's Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and have the technical skills and programming knowledge to complete the tasks of this project. Ms. Sarker brings to this project her expertise in NLP (Natural Language Processing).

Ms. Victoria Dominguez, Mr. Adam Cardenas Sisk and Mr. Ryan Rowland are fluent in Spanish and have been trained to read and label seventeenth century Spanish American scripts.

Ms. Pooja Purushatma and Mr. Parshad Suthar are master’s students in MU's Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and have the technical skills and programming knowledge to complete the tasks of this project. They contribute with their expertise in machine learning and knowledge graphs.

Mr. Hulayyi Alshammari is a doctoral student in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the University of Missouri-Columbia. With a master's degree in computer science, he brings to this project his expertise in machine learning and big data.

Mr. Chandrasekhar Syamala is a master’s student in Computer Science at SDS Lab at the University of Missouri's Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He brings to this project his proficiency in modern programming languages, machine learning, and big data processing. He will work on the scalability aspects of this project including the knowledge graph generation and document retrieval from a cloud computing setup.

Meet the Team

Viviana Grieco
Viviana Grieco
Praveen Rao
Praveen Rao
Nouf Alrasheed
Nouf Alrasheed
Shraboni Sarker
Shraboni Sarker
Adam Cardenas Sisk
Adam Cardenas Sisk
Belén Callegarich
Belén Callegarich
David Freeman
David Freeman
Ryan Rowland
Ryan Rowland
Martin Wasserman
Martin Wasserman
Victoria Dominguez
Victoria Dominguez
Shivika Prasanna
Shivika Prasanna
Pooja Purushatma
Pooja Purushatma
Parshad Suthar
Parshad Suthar
Parshad Suthar
Hulayiil Alshammari
Parshad Suthar

Institutional Support
This project will be developed within the NextGen Data Science and Analytics Innovation Center, a synergistic collaboration between UMKC and MU, supported by the University of Missouri Tier 1 Strategic Funding Program. Under this program, Dr. Rao’s research team (which included Dr. Grieco), was awarded $1.25M to acquire a hyper-converged computing infrastructure with several graphics processing units (GPUs) and large amounts of flash memory storage. This cluster will be used for software development, data storage, and hosting and maintaining the project website. Additionally, this project will count on the international collaboration and support of Archivo General de la Nación Argentina (National Archives) and the Grupo de Historia Económica (Economic History Group) at the Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana “Dr. Emilio Ravignani,” the most prestigious historical research institute in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Join the Team
If interested, please contact Dr. Viviana Grieco and Dr. Praveen Rao

This is an ongoing collaboration between University of Missouri-Kansas City, the University of Missouri-Columbia, and the National Archives of Argentina.