About Us
Our Mission
At UMKC Roo Wellness, we are committed to honoring and valuing the holistic well-being of every student. Our mission is to empower and support UMKC students through student-centered approaches on their journeys toward academic success by offering exceptional wellness services and fostering lifelong well-being.
Contact Us
Get in touch with your Roo Wellness team.

Counseling Services
Address: Brookside 51 Building, 5110 Oak Street, Suite 201
Phone : 816-235-1635
Email: umkcchtc@umkc.edu
Fax: 816-235-6350
Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 6:00 pm

Health Services
Address: Brookside 51 Building, 5110 Oak Street, Suite 237Phone: 816-235-6133
Email: studenthealth@umkc.edu
Fax: 816-235-6565
Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 5:00 pm

Student Accessibility Services
Address: Brookside 51 Building, 5110 Oak Street, Suite 224Phone: 816-235-5612
Email: accessibility@umkc.edu
Fax: 816-235-6363
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Case Management
Address: Brookside 51 Building, 5110 Oak Street, Suite 225
Phone: 816-235-5611
Email: blackmonte@umkc.edu
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (On Tuesdays only virtual appointments are available.)

Make an Appointment
Schedule services with Health Services, Counseling Services, or Student Accessibility Services.