Fall 2021 EducationUSA Seminar Seminar Session Descriptions


Pre-Seminar Session: Introduction to EducationUSA 

Curious what EducationUSA is and what it does?  Join EducationUSA staff from the Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State to explore the EducationUSA network and discuss how you can leverage its resources and services to enhance your campus international student recruitment and support strategies.  Participants will be invited to join breakout conversations based on their level of experience with EducationUSA to discuss case studies of how U.S. colleges and universities have successfully engaged with the network.


International Student Integration Strategies, Part I: Pre-arrival advising/support

Discuss innovative strategies for pre-arrival orientation and support that will set your international students up for success even before they arrive on campus.  Representatives from the University of Missouri - Kansas City,  Missouri Western State University, and EducationUSA REACs will highlight current data and best practices to create a successful entry to the U.S. and lay the foundation for an effective integration to U.S. campuses and communities.

How the U.S. Commercial Service & Study State Consortium Support U.S. International Education

In this session, the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) will present on how it assists U.S. educational institutions recruit and identify potential markets for international student recruitment, and their work alongside study state consortium. DOC will also advise their new engagement under "USA: A Study Destination”. Study Missouri will discuss on the importance of study state consortium to pool resources and jointly market and recruit international students in an increasingly competitive space.  Speakers will share their organization’s programs as well as focus on the collaboration between state consortium and federal agencies.

Regional Recruitment Updates

Get the latest information and on-the-ground perspectives from EducationUSA Regional Educational Advising Coordinators (REACs) based in two world regions. Learn the latest trends for international students from these areas and innovative and effective ways to reach them during the COVID era.

International Student Integration Strategies, Part II: On-campus advising/support

Academic and social integration of international students has been challenging. This session will explore best practices for international student integration and support after arrival on campus. This includes orientation, clubs, activities, partnering with key stake holders and other departments as well as employment opportunities and student government. We will look at strategies implemented at a 2-year community college as well as a 4-year university.

Consular Affairs Session: Student Visas Update

The Department of State is committed to facilitating legitimate travel to the United States by both immigrant and nonimmigrant travelers, and student visas continue to be one of our highest priorities.  Join Visa Policy Analyst, Rebecca Wall, from the Bureau of Consular Affairs at the U.S. Department of State to learn more about consular operations worldwide, and key information that every prospective international student should know when they apply for a student visa.