UMKC Catalog


Philosophy (PHILOS) - Philosophy of Literature
PHILOS 322      Philosophy of Literature
A close study of the ancient problems at the intersection of philosophy and literature: what sort of truth, if any, do we find in literature? Does literature have ethical content? What makes a literary text beautiful? How do ""literary"" texts defer from philosophical and other kinds of texts? Should literary texts influence our thinking about politics and other social issues? We will study classic philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, Kierkegaard, and Nietzche, great literary writers such as Sappho, Dante, Goethe, Dosteovesky, and Rilke, and harder to categorize figures like Freud. The class will include the study of several recent philosophers who worked specifically on the subject of the ""philosophy of literature,"" such as Bakhtin, Benjamin, Lacan, Szondi.
Faculty: College of Arts & Sciences
Department: Philosophy