
Establish an Accommodation Plan

If you are a UMKC student with a documented need for accommodations, the Office of Student Accessibility Services (SAS) can help.

As a new or currently enrolled student at UMKC, you may establish an accommodation plan with us. There are four steps to this process.

  1. Review the guidelines for documenting your accessibility needs.
  2. Go to RooAccess for New Student Applications and fill out a questionnaire to register with SAS. Use your UMKC username (SSO) and password.
  3. Complete the questionnaire, include your student ID number, and then click the submit button. Afterwards, you will be asked to upload your documentation, and then click submit.
  4. We will contact you within 3-5 business days to set up an accommodation planning meeting.

Academic Accommodations

These include testing access and other aids to assist students in the classroom environment, ensuring they have equal opportunities to succeed academically.

Housing Accommodations

These consist of adjustments in on-campus housing arrangements to meet the specific needs of students with disabilities.

If you are seeking housing accommodations because of an accessibility need, please complete ALL the following steps:

  1. Complete your housing contract with UMKC Residential Life.
  2. Complete the SAS Housing Accommodation Application and upload your documentation from your licensed provider by logging in to Roo Access using your UMKC username (SSO) and password.
    • If you complete your application without submitting documentation, you can upload it at a later time by following these instructions.
  3. You will be contacted within 3-5 business days to set up a meeting to finalize the process.

Emotional Support Animals in Campus Housing

If you are seeking to keep an emotional support animal in campus housing, you must complete the following steps in addition to the housing accommodation steps mentioned above.

  1. Review the Emotional Support Animal in Residential Life Policy (PDF).
  2. Go to RooAccess. Log in using your UMKC username (SSO) and password. 
  3. Upload your medical documentation from a qualified evaluator who has observed you with the emotional support animal and can verify that the animal is a part of your overall support plan.

If you have a trained service animal please refer to the UMKC Service Animal and Pet Policy.

Dietary Accommodations

If you are seeking dietary accommodations, please establish an accommodation plan. In most cases, we can accommodate your accessibility-related dietary needs. It is exceedingly rare for us to excuse a student from participation in the UMKC Meal Plan due to an accessibility need.

For more information visit the UMKC Dining Services Dietitian.

Religious Accommodations

These are designed to support students' religious practices and observances, ensuring they can participate fully in their education while adhering to their religious beliefs. Please email our office with your specific request.

Temporary Accommodations

These are for situations such as a broken arm, pregnancy, or other short-term conditions that require temporary support and adjustments. 

Testing Accommodations

If you will be taking your exam in the Student Accessibility Services Office, these are the steps to take. (If you are not taking your exam inside the Student Accessibility Services office, the following steps are not needed.)

  1. All testing accommodation requests need to be submitted 3 days prior  to the exam dates stated in your syllabus.
    • Any testing needs that are outside of what is written in your syllabus, must be approved by faculty and the SAS office.
  2. After requesting your testing accommodations for the semester in Roo Access, your Faculty Notification Letters will automatically be sent to your course instructors.

We encourage you to submit your exam requests as soon as the semester starts, using the dates provided in your course syllabus. This includes final exams. SAS asks for at least 3 business days to schedule an exam or quiz. Due to limited capacity, final exams require 15 days advance notice.

Testing Accommodation Policy (PDF)
