UMKC Catalog


Teacher Education (TCH-ED)

TCH-ED 130      Number Systems And Related Topics View Details
This course is designed for elementary perservice teachers to meet certification requirements for a course in number theory. The course provides a constructive development of the real number system, introduces concepts from elementary number theory and applies this knowledge of quantitative systems to solve various types of problems.
Credits: 3 hours
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TCH-ED 140      Geometry For Elementary Teachers View Details
This course is designed for elementary perservice teachers to meet certification requirements for a course in geometry. It provides a constructive development of axiomatic geometry and introduces concepts from transformation geometry. Elements of spatial sense and measurement are included and an emphasis is placed on applying this knowledge to solve various types of problems.
Credits: 3 hours
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TCH-ED 150      Foundations of Urban Education View Details
This course is designed to introduce students to the social and philosophical issues in urban education and will include an emphasis on culture, race, class, and ethnicity as they relate to schooling in urban America.
Credits: 3 hours
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TCH-ED 151      Introduction to Urban Education Field Experience View Details
Introduction to Urban Education Field Experience. The field experience is intended to give students an opportunity to see the application of learning theory in authentic classroom situations. Students are encouraged to become involved in the learning of the classroom and ' provide a helping hand"" to the teacher,Prerequisite: Students must admitted to the institute for Urban Education
Credits: 2 hours
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TCH-ED 152      Urban Education Seminar 1: Social Justice View Details
Introductory seminar to the field of urban education. This seminar aligns with the other fall semester experiences and allows students an opportunity to dialogue about the possible application of their experience work as it applies to teaching in an urban school. Students will be introduced to current topics in education and society; identify, develop and enhance study strategies; observe, listen and think critically, sharpen writing skills; and work effectively in groups.
Credits: 2 hours
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TCH-ED 153      Math Methods for Urban Education teachers: Number Systems View Details
designed for elementary school teacher. A constructive development of the real number system beginning with the system of whole number, concepts fro the elementary number theory; applications of quantitative systems to problems in discrete mathematics.
Credits: 2 hours
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TCH-ED 201      Children's Literature View Details
Survey of books for children. Attention given to standard aids for selection, criteria for evaluating different types of literature and creating an environment for response to literature. A primary focus on multicultural literature for children. Fall
Credits: 3 hours
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TCH-ED 251      Child and Adolescent Development for Urban Educators View Details
This course is designed to provide students with the information they will use as educators to design developmentally appropriate practices for the children they will work in the classroom setting, thus discussions about how the information is translated into the classroom will be applied.
Credits: 3 hours
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TCH-ED 252      Field Exp: Child/Adolescent Development View Details
This field experience is designed in conjunction with TE 251 Child Development for Urban Teachers to provide students with real-world interactions to study the development of children from birth to adolescence. Field experience setting have been arranged to provide students with an opportunity to observe and interact with children as they study the four stages of development.
Credits: 1 hours
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TCH-ED 253      Urban Education Seminar II: Social Justice View Details
This seminar aligns with the other semester experiences and allows students an opportunity to dialogue about the possible application of their experience work as it applies to teaching in an urban school. Students will be introduced to current topics in urban education and society; identify, develop and enhance study strategies; observe, listen and think critically, sharpen writing skills; and work effectively in groups as they explore social justice and the relationship between society and schools.
Credits: 1 hours
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TCH-ED 254      Math Methods for Urban Teachers: Geometry View Details
Designed for elementary school teachers. A constructive development of geometry and concepts from elementary teacher education; applications will be made to connect with elementary curriculum.
Credits: 2 hours
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TCH-ED 255      Intergrated Music and Visual Arts View Details
Basic principals of creativity and their application in the multicultural teaching of art, creative dance and musical and rhythmic interpretation will be explored. An emphasis is placed on interrelationship of these disciplines and their integration into the curriculum. Special emphasis will be placed on helping students to develop a wider and more respectful understanding of our nation's cultural diversity as reflected in art forms. Students will be exposed to the literature, poetry, theater, visual art and music contributed by African-Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans among others.
Credits: 3 hours
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TCH-ED 256      Field Experience: Music and Visual Arts View Details
The field experience is intended to give students an opportunity to see the application of learning theory and integration of the arts in authentic classroom situations.
Credits: 1 hours
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TCH-ED 258      Math Methods for Urban Teachers: Probability and Statistics View Details
Designed for Elementary and Middle School Teachers. This course is designed to provide undergraduate students in elementary and middle school mathematics with the foundational knowledge of the teaching of probability and statistics and how to use the elements of statistics to interpret and solve problems in elementary and middle school classrooms.
Credits: 2 hours
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TCH-ED 259      Introduction to Urban Teaching View Details
This course is designed to introduce students to the sociopolitical context of urban education, schooling, teaching and learning. It will provided an overview of education in a multicultural democracy, mostly African Americans, Latino Americans, and other racial/ ethnic groups and immigrants. Specifically, it will introduce students to the notion of teaching for social justice, the social justice teacher and the social empowerment. Opportunities will be provided for students to review research, debunk stereotypes, negative views, and to recognize urban learners as capable, motivated, and resilient. The ultimate goal of this course is to facilitate experiences that will enable students to develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions needed to learning in urban schools. To be taken concurrently with TE 265Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Institute for Urban Education.
Credits: 3 hours
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TCH-ED 265      Field Experience: Urban Teaching View Details
As a CO-requisite to Introduction to Urban Teaching, students will spend 60 hours in urban schools working with diverse student populations, specifically; students will work with African Americans, Latino Americans, and English Language Learners grades K-8. Reflection and discussion of clinical experiences will occur during the urban education seminar and Introduction to urban education classes. Students will keep a reflective journal of their experiences working with diverse learners.
Credits: 1 hours
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TCH-ED 266      Urban Education IV: Classroom Management View Details
This course will present the foundations for developing expertise in classroom management. Theory and activities will introduce students to strategies and procedures to manage student's behavior as well as keep them on task throughout the school day. The intent of this course is to provide the prospective teacher with the skills and the expertise necessary for you to manage the classroom behavior of your students effectively while creating a caring and supportive atmosphere.
Credits: 1 hours
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TCH-ED 300      Summer Community Experience View Details
This course provides an in-depth examination into both the evolution of ghetto communities and dynamics of community building in inner cities, with special emphasis on Kansas City, Missouri. In addition, theories of educational psychology as well as child and adolescent behavior will be infused to assist participants in developing age appropriate mentoring/teaching strategies and activities. Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Institute for Urban Education.
Credits: 3 hours
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TCH-ED 310      Instruction for Diverse Learners View Details
Focus on classroom organization, building relationships with students, and building supportive classroom environment for diverse learners in urban settings.
Credits: hours
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TCH-ED 311      Curriculum and Learning Theory View Details
Focus on classroom organization, building relationships with students, and applying theoretical knowledge of child development to the analysis of contexts impacting students' educational experiences. Classroom processes and teacher interactions that undergird effective instruction and proactive classroom management.
Credits: hours
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