Conferences and Events

Staff Council Initiatives

UMKC Career Services staff members look happy as they give the Roo Up hand sign and hold up a certificate of recognition at the staff awards.

Professional Development Conference

The Professional Development Conference provides a forum for sharing information, exchanging ideas and participating in a day of professional development and learning.

Conference information

Two staff members looking happy have their arms around each other while wearing blue UMKC t-shirts during a soccer game

Staff Appreciation Week

Staff Appreciation Week offers opportunities to celebrate and honor our UMKC staff.

Staff Appreciation Week information

staff at scrapskc

Outreach and Volunteer Opportunities

The Staff Council Outreach Committee plans collection drives and volunteer opportunities for UMKC staff, partnering with local Kansas City non-profit organizations and on-campus pantries/partners.

Outreach and Volunteer Opportunities

Monthly Events

Staff Council Meetings

The first Wednesday of every month (except July), UMKC Staff Council meets to discuss initiatives and hear presentations from administrators, directors and others about what is going on at UMKC. Review meeting minutes and learn more.

Kasey Kudos

Recognize UMKC staff through the Kasey Kudos High Five program.

Staff Community Groups

Staff Council hosts Staff Community Groups. These groups are a great way for you to connect with your peers on related interests. You can also create your own Staff Community Group to foster your own community among your colleagues! 

Staff Events Calendar

View all staff events