Writing Studio consultants are available to assist you with papers and presentations seven days a week. Email us at writingstudio@umkc.edu for assistance scheduling appointments or joining drop-ins.

Spring 2025 consultations and drop-in schedule
(Consultants are also available online during all Atterbury and MNL hours.)

Atterbury Student Success Center (January 21-May 16)
Appointments and drop-ins

Monday-Thursday: 9am-7pm
Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturday & Sunday: closed

Miller Nichols Library (February 3-May 11)
Drop-ins only

Monday-Thursday: 1-7pm
Friday: closed
Saturday & Sunday: 1-5pm

Johnson Hall Lobby (February 10-May 9)
In-person drop-ins only

Monday: 7-10pm

March 22-29: closed

Email sessions
May 5: last day to request Spring email session

Spring 2025 Writing Consultations

One-with-one appointments and drop-ins will be conducted in person and online.

Consultations are designed to focus on process not product. We want to help you become a better writer and develop solid writing skills for future projects. Our philosophy is to work with you, not for you. We’re not editors, but we’re here to help you become a better editor of your own work and to give you substantive feedback on your project so you can take it to the next level. Writing consultants are trained and prepared to help you at any point of the writing process. Whether you’ve just started brainstorming about a project or you are putting the final touches on project before turning it in or sharing it with others, the Writing Studio is here to help!


One-with-one consultations

Schedule your 30- or 60-minute, one-with-one consultations through RooLearning+ by downloading the app from the App Store (Apple) or Google Play (Android). A website version is also available at umkc.tedu.app/student. You may also email us at writingstudio@umkc.edu with three (or more) possible dates and times for your appointment.

Please email your assignment sheet, the assignment rubric and your draft to the consultant when you receive confirmation of your appointment.

Schedule a one-with-one consultation


Spring 2025 consultations and drop-in schedule

(Consultants are also available online during all Atterbury and MNL hours.)

Atterbury Student Success Center (January 21-May 16)
Appointments and drop-ins
Monday-Thursday: 9am-7pm
Friday: 9am-5pm
Saturday & Sunday: closed

Miller Nichols Library (February 3-May 11)
Drop-ins only
Monday-Thursday: 1-7pm
Friday: closed
Saturday & Sunday: 1-5pm

Johnson Hall Lobby (February 10-May 9)
In-person drop-ins only

Monday: 7-10pm

March 22-29: closed

Email sessions
May 5: last day to request Spring email session

If you need help scheduling an appointment or dropping in, please feel free to email us at writingstudio@umkc.edu.

Writing Studio Instructions, Information & Resources

The Writing Studio and the university are interested in data that shows to what extent students are utilizing the Writing Studio consultation service. Information about the writers using our services also helps us think about how we can improve the Writing Studio. One way we collect such data is by having students log in and out of sessions. For online sessions, our consultants will need your SSO to log you in and out of your session.

Feedback on your writing is also available through email, with the submission form now being conveniently located in RooLearning+! A Writing Studio consultant will look over your work for an allotted 50-minute time frame, providing you with both general and specific recommendations centered around the foundations of writing, such as structure, organization, flow and thesis. Though every misspelled word or grammar mistake may not be highlighted, our consultants' feedback will help you become a better editor of your own work.

Scheduling email sessions is now easier than ever with RooLearning+! Simply access the portal through RooLearning+ and a calendar screen should appear. Click on the Plus icon in the bottom right corner of the screen and select the Writing Studio email request option. From there, you will be forwarded to the three-step submission form. Note: To ensure your work is submitted properly, please fill out every field prompted, even if you aren't certain what the exact answer should be.

You can expect a response from one of our consultants within three business days while UMKC classes are in session. Click the My Email Requests button in the bottom left corner of the RooLearning+ home screen to check the status of any and all of your email submissions. You will receive an email when your request is processed by a consultant.

Learn how to submit email session requests on RooLearning+ (PDF)

NetTutor is a free online tutoring service separate from the Writing Studio and offers students a variety of modes to get help online (UMKC SSO login required). You can communicate with tutors via chat, audio or audio-video connection.

Explore NetTutor