The committee is charged with advising the chancellor, provost and vice chancellors on campus-level facility issues in six areas:
- Capital priorities for the renovation of existing space
- Capital priorities for the addition of new space
- Priorities for the utilization and reassignment of existing space
- Priorities for maintenance and repair projects
- Committee input to the Campus Master Plan updates
- Priorities for the enhancement of the campus landscape, including the annual allocation of the Robert H. Flarsheim Campus Beautification funds
Members commit to be active participants in as many workshops and meetings as possible. Meetings are set at the start of each academic year, with no fewer than six meetings scheduled per year. Workshops or additional meetings will be set as required.
Janet Stebbins
Business Support Specialist II
Facilities Advisory Committee Members and Meeting Minutes
Members |
Two representatives appointed/elected from the Dean's Council
- Dean Marsha Pyle, School of Dentistry
- Dean Ted White, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences
Six representatives appointed/elected from the Faculty Senate
- Jim DeLisle, Henry W. Bloch School of Management
- Linda Mitchell, College of Arts and Sciences
- Saul Honigberg, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences
- Stephen Dilks, College of Arts and Sciences
- Cory Beard, School of Computing and Engineering
- Hali Fieldman, Conservatory
Two representatives appointed/elected from the Staff Council.
- Open position
- Deborah Phillips, Operations and Administration
Two representatives appointed/elected from the Student Government Association
- Open position
- Open position
- Lawrence Dreyfus, Academic Affairs representative
- Sean Grube, Student Affairs representative
- Curt Crespino, External Relations and Constituent Engagement representative
- Charles Bouse, University Architect, UM System
Meeting Minutes |
Final Minutes August 10, 2017 (PDF)
Final Minutes June 14, 2017 (PDF)