Proposal Reviews

Discuss strengths and weaknesses of proposal with other faculty

Formal Internal Reviews

ORD supports UMKC faculty in preparing competitive proposals. ORD designed the internal proposal review process to ensure that every proposal submitted meets high standards of excellence. Here's how it works:

  1. Formation of Review Committee: PI and ORD assemble a committee of research-active faculty members or field experts ito provide comprehensively evaluate the proposal.
  2. Distribution of Materials: The committee is provided with the proposal and any relevant guidelines from the funder, ensuring that the review aligns with the specific requirements.
  3. Evaluation Process: The reviewers carefully assess the proposal, focusing on its significance, methodology, budget, and alignment with the funder's priorities.
  4. Feedback Collection: Individual committee members provide written feedback. 
  5. Communication with Principal Investigator: The PI and the review committee decide whether they want to meet to give feedback in person or over Zoom, in addition to the written feedback.
  6. Support and Follow-up: If needed, support is offered to implement the suggested changes, and a follow-up review may be conducted to ensure the proposal's quality.

The internal review process reflects UMKC’s dedication to research excellence and support for our faculty's groundbreaking work.

Review Process

 Review panels

Help other researchers by serving on an internal review panel or providing developmental editing. Faculty compensated $500 per review.

 Apply to be a proposal reviewer